Mae Newport Rock Collecting yn brosiect casglu cyfoes a phrosiect hanes cymdeithasol a gafodd ei greu gan Winding Snake Productions, gyda chefnogaeth Amgueddfa ac Oriel Gelf Casnewydd. Mae’n cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol a’r Campws Cyntaf ym Mhrifysgol y De.

Trwy 2018 a 2020, byddwn ni’n casglu straeon a gwrthrychau o gigs Casnewydd yn y cyfnod 1970-2010 ar gyfer archif awdio ac arddangosfa newydd a fydd yn dathlu bandiau, gigs a roc yng Nghasnewydd.


Cyflwyniad yma.

Cyfweliadau Dan Sylw

Buom yn siarad â llawer o bobl o fyd cerddoriaeth Casnewydd am eu hatgofion.

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 Rock Collecting Playlist

Archif Sain

Buom yn siarad â llawer o bobl o fyd cerddoriaeth Casnewydd am eu hatgofion.


Rydym wedi dewis nifer fach o arteffactau o'r arddangosfa sydd i ddod yn amgueddfa Casnewydd.

Idles Ivor Novello Award (2018)

Idles Ivor Novello Award (2018)

The Ivor Novello for Best Album awarded to Newport born Joe Talbot in 2018 for Joy as an Act of Resistance. Lent by Joe Talbot

Terris NME Award (2000)

Terris NME Award (2000)

The Philip Hall On Award For Brightest Hope was awarded to Newport band Terris at the NME Awards in 2000. At the time the band, Gavin Goodwin, Alun Bound, Neil Dugmore and Owen Matthews were co-headlining an NME tour with Coldplay who we also nominated alongside Sigur Ros, Doves and Slipknot. Lent by Terris

Dub War Siren

Cymraeg yma

Dyma'r disgrifiad Cymraeg

"These nights offered just what they said on the tin. It was cheap, it was sweaty and it was definitely fun"


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We've collected loads of stories by now, but its still not too late to contribute towards this archive. We'd love to hear your memories of gig-going in Newport in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s or 2010s - you can either just type your story out, or record yourself speaking, and send it to us using the button below.

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